
Hi! My name is Danielle, and I would love to read your cards. Sitting across from someone and facilitating a conversation with the Tarot is truly a privilege, and it is my favorite thing.

 People get readings for all sorts of reasons, and in all kinds of circumstances. Tarot is wonderful in times of transition, when you want to make a change, when you feel stuck and are wondering where to focus your energy. Sometimes we get a reading just because we need to remember that we’re a part of something bigger; because the cards really do work, they can offer that reassurance. Yes, there is magic here. Yes, you’re a part of it, and it belongs to you.

My readings won’t tell you just what to do, or what’s definitively going to happen next. What we can explore together, through the magic of the Tarot is:

 What’s happening energetically in your life, on and below the surface

 The dynamics of your relationships

 Opportunities that are available to you

What your heart is longing for

 What is motivating your actions

 What you should prioritize as you make decisions

 The past events & circumstances that set the stage for the present

 The future shoreline you might reach if you maintain this trajectory

 …..and more!

 Tarot is truly a space where anything can happen. And mostly what happens is that you get reintroduced to your truest, most honest Self, and get to remember what it is that Self knows.

 I am a space-holder for that Self. I hold no judgment what-so-ever. If you’re looking for a safe space to explore your feelings, your desires, your past/present/future, consider booking a reading with me. In-person, or virtually, I would love to facilitate a conversation for you. You can schedule here.