Four of Cups is a card of emotional digestion. Much is said about the figure in this card refusing the cup that is being offered, and there are suggestions that he is being petulant and bratty. While that *can* be the case, it’s good to explore the reason behind that refusal. There are 3 cups on the ground, the contents of which we could infer that this character has already consumed. Perhaps this person is just really *full*, and they need to sit and wait on this new offering until they have the capacity for it, both literally and figuratively. It is not wise to binge on anything, right? Not only can you make yourself sick, but at some point you stop enjoying the whole experience. You become numb to the flavor of things. Even if you *want* to keep saying ‘Yes!’ and ‘More!’, eventually you have to concede that you just need a break. You have to allow what you’ve already taken in to process, digest, and absorb. Our hearts can be like sponges; holding so much they become heavy and can make our energy leaden and even depressed. We can misinterpret that for emptiness, when it is just the opposite. We can wonder what’s wrong with us that we have no *appetite* for life when it is just that we are full. This card tells us that it’s wise to give ourselves that time away from the ‘buffet of the heart’ so to speak, and allows us to trust that when our appetite returns, more will be waiting for us.