I sometimes like to think of Pages as “re-inventors”. Looking at each suit in its entirety, laid out in a narrative, Pages come after the minor 10s, where we’ve experienced a culmination of some sort. In the 10, we’ve done something ‘all the way’, and when we reach the Page, we are offered an opportunity to begin anew. The beginner’s mind of the Page infuses us with a sense of possibility. The suit of Pentacles is about our resources, our work, our ability to manifest, and our relationship with the Earth and our own bodies. It is, in very significant ways, about building a life of integrity. When we’re in Page of Pentacles energy, we are often in deep contemplation about where and how we’d like to invest our energy. This card often shows up for people, for instance, who are considering taking their careers in a new direction. But it isn’t a heavy energy at all: it is curiosity mingled with excitement, and a hopeful sense that we are starting out on our next great adventure. Page of Pentacles might be drawn any time we are beginning to question how we’d like to live our lives more in alignment with our values. What does it look like to live out our spiritual principles practically? How would that change the way we engage with work, with our own bodies? How would we spend money differently, or interact with nature? Page of Pentacles asks all of these questions and more: they are open-heartedly questioning what it means to be human and to have an energetic impact on the world, and they hold the possibility that it can be done wisely and well.