In order to get to the essence of each card in the Minor Arcana, I like to find the underlying theme among the cards of the same number, which you can also find in their Major Arcana Counterpoint. So, the 9s in the Minors relate to the Hermit—the Major 9—and all share a common theme of personal responsibility. Our work in the 9s is something we must do on our own—no one else is going to swoop in and make it happen for us. 9 of Pentacles is about building a life that is our own. While it’s often interpreted as wealth or abundance, I find that it’s more about self-definition. When we envision a life that feels like *home* to us, that feels like *our own*, what does that look like? Can we trust that we are capable and resourced enough to take care of ourselves, and to find a sense of intimate belonging in our own lives and in our own skin? I find that this card often comes up for folx who are getting divorced, for instance, and are having to take care of themselves alone for the first time in a long time. 9 of Pentacles reflects both the personal financial responsibility involved--and serves as reassurance that they are capable of handling it--but also shows that the time is now for creating a life that is truly unique and reflective of who they are. 9 of Pentacles can also reflect a state of health and ease in the body, or serve as a reminder that you are totally safe and not at risk of material ruin.
When this card comes up in any reading, it asks us to recognize what we already have. What are you “rich” in? A sense of abundance is available here if we learn to make a true accounting of our inner and outer resources.